Ditch Processed and Refined Food: In PCOS, the crux of eating healthy is to consume food which is low in calories and is preservative free. Consuming food in its most natural state prevents our hormones from going berserk. In order to keep them in check cutting down on processed and refined food helps immensely.
Opt for whole gluten-free grains like oats, brown rice, millet and quinoa instead of white flour, pasta and bread.
Skip the Sugar: Women with PCOS have high insulin levels and eating too much sugar will add to their existing problem. Not only that, it also makes losing weight more difficult. Eating fewer sugars and simple carbohydrates can help you lose weight and reduce your risk for diabetes. Avoid sweetened juices, cakes, cookies, sodas and those delectable desserts in your refrigerator.
Opt for food that has natural sugars like fruits, jaggery, honey and dates instead of artificial sugar.
Limit the Liquor: Alcohol consumption increases the risk of developing PCOS by 50% and adds to the hormonal imbalance by upping the oestrogen levels. Apart from that alcohol gets converted to sugar immediately in our body, thereby raising the already high blood sugar levels even further. So alcohol is definitely a no-no as far as PCOS is concerned.
If you feel like letting your hair down and a drink is a must, limit yourself to just one glass of wine once in a while.
Stay Away From Salt: One teaspoon of salt contains more than a day’s requirement of Sodium and high sodium leads to excessive water retention in our body. Women suffering from PCOS have a lot of water retention anyway, so excessive salt adds to their problem. S
Stay clear of salty snacks through the day. Opt for nuts, fruits instead. Not only does it give you the important nutrients but also helps you keep your sodium levels under control.
Up Your Intake of Veggies and Fruits: Vegetables and fruits are packed with a lot more nutrients per calorie than any other food. Most fruits and veggies are rich in iron, calcium, potassium and magnesium. They also have ample of vitamin K, C, E and many of the B-complex group. All these are known to help in reducing PCOS symptoms.
Though medical intervention is an absolute necessity in PCOS, these small but important changes in your daily dietary intake can help you increase your energy and help maintain your weight.
To know more about PCOS and its symptoms, causes, complications and Homeopathic Treatment visit https://www.welcomecure.com/diseases/Polycystic-ovary-syndrome-PCOS/overview
Disclaimer: This article is written by our Sponsor and we do not take any responsibility for the accuracy of their views. This should not be considered as a substitute for Physician’s advice. Please consult your treating Physician for more details.