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You may be cycling in the gym to attain those shapely legs, now how about biking under water? Pool biking is all about using rust-resistant bikes made especially for underwater workouts. It makes for complete resistance training for the body as sweating it out in water is a lot gentler on the joints than on land. It also improves flexibility as your muscles get more exercise.
When you’re done with your workout for the day, you can just dive into the water for a quick cool down.
Dance + Yoga = Gyrotonic
Always thought yoga wasn’t the thing for you? Try Gyrotonic that offers the mind and body benefits of practicing yoga sans stillness and meditation. Gyrotonic is a training method based on the principles of yoga, dance, tai chi, and swimming and helps improve core strength, balance, coordination, flexibility and agility. Also called ‘Yoga for Dancers’, this one’s ideal for those who hate monotony and wish to embrace variation in their exercise routine. This unique workout comprises spiral movements, rotation and breath work using handles and pulleys to enable movements like sweeping and arcing.
A live-stream class, anyone?
Shelling out a bomb for zumba training session? Spending a good 30 minutes to one hour traveling to the gym? Not able to remain consistent with your workout regimen because of being away for pleasure or business trips? Switch to live-streaming videos which are becoming even more popular on social media with platforms like Facebook Live. Access the fitness regimen from anywhere in the world; all you need is an internet connection. Just hit that subscribe button and get going. Bring that in-class energy to your private fitness session at home. Currently, very few studios and instructors may be streaming live classes, but the shift is likely to happen this year, according to industry experts