TOI Health got in touch with Teal Swan, an international spiritual catalyst, who shared with us her views of orgasm, its types, and benefits.
The primary thing that we need to understand is that an orgasm may not be only sexual. Orgasm refers to a sudden release of energy which may or may not be sexual in nature. “When it applies to a sexual orgasm, this energy that is accumulated is usually sexual energy. Where as in a different type of orgasm experience, the energy that could lead to a peak can be any type of energy. On an energetic level, an orgasm can technically be seen as a climax that involves the sudden release of accumulated energy. This could be either pleasurable or not. For example, by this definition a seizure is a kind of orgasm, so is yawning, so is sneezing, so is birth, and so is crying. As far as the body is concerned, orgasm is controlled by the autonomic nervous system. But we can use techniques, like breathing and conscious control of our thoughts to facilitate any kind of release that we desire to have,” says Teal.
Two studies reported the percentage of women who had orgasm while giving birth. A 2013 study pinned it at 0.3 percent while a more recent 2016 study found the number increased to 6 percent.
We have often heard that orgasms are healthy for your body. “Accumulation of energy creates imbalance in the body and if that energy is not channelled, the body becomes unhealthy. So, orgasm keeps you healthy on a mental, emotional and physical level,” says Teal.
The physical benefits
“Orgasm leads to feelings of euphoria and pleasure which reduce stress, depression and anxiety levels, thus boosting the immune system. Orgasm is also known to burn calories, promote relaxation and release tension, which can improve your sleep quality. It increases blood circulation in the body and the brain, leading to increased mental sharpness. It can help alleviate pain, regenerate cells in the body and inhibit the aging process,” says Teal.
“It increases the hormone oxytocin in your body, which is a powerful brain chemical that inspires feelings of intimacy. Known as the “cuddle hormone,” oxytocin makes you feel connected to your partner, making you bond better,” she added.
The Spiritual Benefits
“After an orgasm, the body opens up to a state of receptivity, during which the meridians and chakras of the body receive an unrestricted flow of energy. Alignment occurs between the vibration of your physical perspective and your non-physical perspective. Thus, you experience a blending between your physical aspect and your non-physical aspect.
During an orgasm, the awareness of your identity or your ego is dissolved. Hence, you can touch your infinite nature. This is why sex and orgasm have been used as tools in spirituality to reach higher states of consciousness. Orgasm is, in fact, one practice you can use to attain enlightenment. Tantra is the most well known example of sexual practice being used as a doorway to enlightenment,” Teal said.
Manifest What You Want In Your Life Through Orgasms
This sounds a little too fancy to be true but the analogy is convincing. Teal says,” Human life on earth is the by-product of orgasm. Orgasm and conception go hand in hand. An orgasm has an element of extreme creative force to it. The question is, what are you conceiving?”
She calls it the ‘art of manifestation’. She says, “Orgasm is one of the most powerful tools for manifestation that you can possibly imagine. Nothing matters more than what you are focusing on and feeling the experience of in the moment of orgasm. What you focus on, especially on a feeling based level, is what you will conceive.”
“In the minute of orgasm, the accumulated energy that is building up is released. You can aim and lend that powerful burst of energy towards what you desire, thus manifesting it into reality.”
Be it a career promotion, a relationship you want to mend, a project you want to work, think about being there when you have your next coming.
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Manifest Positive Beliefs In Your Life Through Orgasms
Much the same way as manifesting your desires works, here your focus is on manifesting a belief in your life while you climax. This can be used as a powerful self-esteem building process, a process to replace negative childhood thoughts such as about your looks, and so many more. Take the help of your partner to prompt what you want to hear while you are having your big O, or utter it mentally to yourself.
Many of us often wonder what is healthy. Teal answers it for us. She says, “This really depends on the person and the person’s capacity to build up energy. We are all different in this respect. For some people, an orgasm per day is healthy; for others, several a day is fine; while for some, once a week will do. This also depends on what a person is doing in their lives. We can “waste” our sexual energy and use orgasm as an escape, in which case the orgasm is not healthy. But we cannot make general statements about what is healthy for all people or how many anyone can have.