The success of your fitness and weight loss goals are totally governed by what you eat. And with the recent rise of lifestyle diseases in India, the saying couldn’t ring truer. To stay fit, or even lose weight, you need to ensure your diet has all the healthy foods. Superfoods like kale and chia seeds offer wholesome goodness. Moreover,they are not just high on nutrient value but also on taste. Rajesh Sawhney, Co-founder of and Rajiv Kumar, CEO of Culinate, list 6 healthy ingredients that will do you a lot of good:
Quinoa is a seed that belongs to the spinach/chard family, which is why it is called a pseudo-cereal or pseudo-grain. Quinoa is rich in protein and a lot of other vital nutrients such as magnesium, dietary fiber and vitamin B. It is also a good source of antioxidants called flavonoids and is a healthy alternative to rice.

Kale is high in fiber, low on calorie and has zero fat. It is one of the most common ingredients in the healthy dishes prepared by restaurants. Apart from being highly nutritious, kale is high in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It can be added to pasta, green smoothies or can be simply tossed in a salad.
Chia seeds are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, antioxidants, iron, and calcium. A 28 gram, or 1ounce, serving of chia seeds also contains 5.6 grams of protein. Hence, they make it on the menu of most healthy food restaurants. These seeds can be added to smoothies, oatmeal or yogurt.
Nuts are often counted as good fats and are also rich in fiber and omega-3. Plant sterols are a substance present in nuts that helps in lowering the cholesterol level in the body. Nuts are a great source of L-arginine, which make the artery walls more flexible and less prone to blood clots that can block blood flow. You can make a nutty trail mix and simply munch on nuts in between meals or add them to your stir-fry.
ctivated charcoal is a natural ingredient that helps in flushing out toxins from the body. It not only helps in the detoxification of the body but also helps in digestive cleansing by alleviating problems like gas and bloating. Activated charcoal helps in fighting the signs of ageing too. Health restaurants incorporate activated charcoal in their healthy drinks and also in the breads and buns used for their special sandwiches and burgers.

Beetroots contain valuable nutrients that may help lower your blood pressure, fight cancer and inflammation, boost your stamina, and support detoxification. It is an amazing source of iron but is often ignored due to its peculiar taste. Beetroots can be added to salads, smoothies or you could even add beetroot to your chapati dough to get that much-needed iron intake.