Last year, Epic tried to get out in front of the inevitable leaks of its secret Discovery skin by promoting Ruin on Fortnite’s social media before it could be datamined. But this year for the Utopia skin which players can unlock soon, they were not quick enough.
Fortnite’s season 9 Utopia skin, unlocked after finding 90 Fortbytes, is called Singularity, and it’s a female skin for a change, which is rarely the case for this secret skin spot. Here’s what she looks like:

She’s not…anything too wild. Really, Singularity looks like any of the female skins that were in this season’s futuristic battle pass, and I’d actually argue that some of those skins were even better designed than her. She does come with some alternate styles and colors however, as you can change her armor around and give her a helmet. It’s not clear if this will happen through XP/kill/etc challenges alone, or if there is some sort of in-game process to unlock the different pieces like we saw with The Prisoner skin two seasons ago. (Update: you need more Fortbytes to unlock her additional armor pieces, it turns out, which makes sense).
As for the “lore” behind Singularity, that remains to be seen. Nearly all of the secret seasonal skins end up being a pretty core part of Fortnite’s “story,” whether that be The Visitor, The Prisoner or a couple of the others. We know that the big “event” we’re heading toward this season is a showdown with the monster that is currently rampaging around land and sea, but what Singularity may have to do with that is unclear.
A Singularity is “a point at which a function takes an infinite value, especially in space-time when matter is infinitely dense, as at the center of a black hole.” Fortnite has dabbled in a lot of cosmic stuff the past few seasons, so who knows, maybe a black hole opens up once we defeat the monster and swallows the entire map. I have no idea.
You’ll be able to unlock Singularity soon enough, next week, I believe, and then you can get cracking on her alternate styles and colors. She isn’t exactly my favorite of the secret skins I’ve seen, but I suppose Epic doesn’t always want to give away its super badass skins for free, given how much it makes from selling those in the store.
Look for Singularity to show up in upcoming loading screens soon so we can learn a bit more about her, and how she may or may not affect the game going forward.