Exercising should be a habit
Integrate movement into your day, however small — even a five minute round of stretching or a 15-minute run/brisk walk should be done daily. Being consistent is important. Take help of activity trackers to monitor progress.
Make goals, not resolutions
General resolutions don’t last. Instead make meaningful, trackable goals with specific deadlines. For instance, to be healthier (resolution) vs resolving to workout thrice a week (actionable, trackable goal).
Keep a food diary
Keep a track of what you are consuming to know where unexpected or extra calories come from. Knowing what you’re eating is the first step to understanding how to change it.
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Cut back on alcohol
Excessive consumption of alcohol leads to belly fat. Try reducing your intake.
Take professional help
Professionals can help you in a way that you cannot ever do yourself. They have years of collective experience, which helps you omit mistakes that spoil your fitnessplans.
Non-surgical techniques
Lipolysis, ultrasound lipolysis are non-surgical treatments that targets extra fat deposited in different parts of the body. The extra fat in your tummy, sides, back, calf, chest, face and chin can be reduced through this treatment, say experts. Most of the time, slimming or fitness-related goals remain unachieved, due to lack of time and these techniques take care of that (only 60 minutes per week). Done in established clinics, by qualified doctors these nonsurgical, pain less, no anaesthesia treatments are considered to be safe