1. Uttanasana
To do Uttanasana you must stand with feet hip-width apart. Bend forward from your hips than your waist, as much till your chest rests on your thighs comfortably. Rest your hands on opposite elbows or hold on to your ankles to completely relax your head and neck in between. Stay in the standing forward fold posture for about 30 seconds gradually building up to 1 minute. To release yourself from the Uttanasana, bring your hands to the hips and slowly straighten your torso, rather than just rolling up your spine.
2. Nadi Shodhana
To perform Nadi Shodhana, press your right nostril with your thumb and left nostril with your ring finger. Inhale through your left nostril as you block your right nostril, and then block your left nostril to exhale through your right nostril. Alternate the pattern – inhaling through right nostril and exhaling through left, then inhaling through left and exhaling through right again. Aim to complete 10 rounds of alternate nostril breathing to sleep calm.
3. Viparita Karani
To do Viparita Karani you just need to lie on your bed or on the floor and put your legs in a perpendicular or 90 degree angle along the wall. Put your arms to the side and practice belly breathing while lying down in the Legs up the Wall for 5 to 10 minutes.
Enjoy Yoga Each Day!