Rest your spine in the correct way
When lying down, make sure that your mattress and pillows allow your spine to rest and be comfortable by giving it proper support. So choose the best mattress that does not harm your spine.
Strengthen your core
Your back and abdominal muscles need to be strong and supple always. Tone them through specific, targeted exercises. Strong core helps to support your spine and take the pressure off your lower back.
Wear the right shoes
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Most do not know this, but your shoes are every important when it comes to your spine health. The right shoes support your lower back and keep your spine and body aligned.
Sitting the right way is essential
You must practise good ergonomics while sitting. Limiting the total amount of sitting time is essential. If your job entails sitting down for long, you must take 15 minute breaks every couple of hours. Your spine has to handle pressure if you are sitting for long and slouching or leaning aggravates back pain.
Choose the right chair
Sitting on a chair that encourages a good posture and supports all the natural curves of your back is essential if you want to deal with back pain for good.