Low Vitamin D: Signs You May Have A Vit D Deficiency; Natural Sources

Vitamin D is an essential hormone required to maintain bone metabolism and skeletal muscles

Vitamin D is an essential fat-soluble vitamin readily present in food or produced inside the body. The deficiency of vitamin D can affect the functions of body muscles and is also be associated with risk factors like muscle pain, weakness, bone density, rickets (in children), and other related conditions. Since the deficiency of vitamins can be common, it is important to maintain a high amount of vitamin D that helps beyond bone health. According to several epidemiologic studies globally, people with a higher level of Vitamin D are likely to have more healthy behavior.

Vitamin D is an essential hormone required to maintain bone metabolism and has widespread effects on skeletal muscles. Calcitriol or a bioactive form of vitamin D hormone is present in the body, which helps regulate calcium and phosphorus levels and in mineralization of the body.

Vitamin D can be acquired from food and supplements, which gets stored in body cells before turning into an active form of energy that the body needs for the immune system, the cardiovascular system, oncogenesis and cognitive functions.

Vitamin D for muscles in winter

Vitamin D is beneficial in bone health, multiple sclerosis malignancy, extra skeletal functions, skin disorder, and helps strengthen body tissues. The synthesis of vitamin D from UV radiation and curing weak muscles has been known by ancient people all over the world.

In winters, due to less availability of sunlight, the deficiency of vitamin D can be prevalent. The ‘sunshine vitamin’ is produced by the skin when exposed to sunlight, providing essentials for optimal health. In winters, the minimum requirement for daily vitamin D is 10-30 minutes of sun exposure for normal people for maintaining healthy bones and calcium metabolism.

Signs you may have a deficiency of vitamin D

The deficiency of vitamin D may occur due to a poor diet or not receiving enough exposure to UV light, or other conditions.

  • Vitamin D is a fat-soluble hormone, and its deficiency is common among people with poor gut ability, inflammatory bowel disease, or other conditions that affect the digestive process.
  • Rickets-the deficiency condition occurs in children that hinders bone development.
  • The serious deficiency of vitamin D in adults can lead to Osteomalacia that may lead to fracture.
  • People with obesity or who have gone under gastric bypass surgery.
  • You might face a deficiency of vitamin D in case of liver disease, kidney disease, and cystic fibrosis due to the body’s incapability to absorb enough vitamin D.
