TNN | December 02, 2016
Are you stressed? Find out!

1/8Are you stressed? Find out!
“Your attitude is like a box of crayons that colors your world. Constantly color your picture gray, and your picture will always be bleak. Try adding some bright colors to the picture by including humor, and your picture begins to lighten up.,” said Allen Klein. The colors that you perceive around you reflect on you in a certain way. Take up the following quiz and know if you are stressed, melancholic, or relaxed and happy.
(Picture courtesy: Vinoth Chandar/Flickr)


Which color speaks to you the most?

2/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. Pink B. Green C. Red D. Yellow E. White F. Deep Red G. Black
Which color speaks to you the most?

3/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. Blue B. Yellow C. Navy Blue D. Violet E. Pink F. Red G. Dark Green
(Picture courtesy: Sonya Bobb/Flickr)
Which color speaks to you the most?

4/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. Yellow B. Pink C. Red D. Green E. Blue F. Dark Violet G. Shades of Grey
Which color speaks to you the most?

5/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. White B. Peach C. Orange D. Yellow E. Blue F. Red G. Black
(Picture courtesy: Faith Goble/Flickr)
Which color speaks to you the most?

6/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. Light Pink B. Mustard C. Yellow D. Hot Pink E. Rosewood Pink F. Black G. Flaxen
Which color speaks to you the most?

7/8Which color speaks to you the most?
A. Blue B. White C. Orange D. Shades of Green E. Brown F. Red G. Black
Find out here!

8/8Find out here!
Disclaimer: This should not be considered as a substitute for Physician’s advice. Please consult your treating Physician for more details.